Juliet Simms is dead, long live Lilith Czar!

Her career has spanned over two decades and multiple creative projects, but in 2021, the American singer-songwriter felt she was due a little reinvention. The result is Lilith Czar: a new project, with a new mindset, a new attitude and (most importantly) new music!

Hi Lilith! It's so great to be able to chat with you. How are things! What have you been up to?

Lilith: Thank you for having me! I've been great! Since wrapping the last tour, which was in the UK back in Feb, I've been focusong most of my energy on writing and recording demos for Album Two.

You released a record in 2021 called Created From Filth And Dust, this was your first under your new moniker Lilith Czar. How did it feel to take a dramatic move into this new era of music for you?

Lilith:  Releasing Created from Filth and Dust under the new moniker was the most artistically fulfilling experience I’ve had to date. It felt like I’d spent almost my entire career thus far trying to be this artist, but I hadn’t discovered her yet - nor was I granted the freedom to do so; being met with  “no”  time after time started to take an internal toll. It pushed me to the point where I finally had had enough. In retrospect, I have all the BS I encountered to thank. It feels like I finally found myself, my voice, and it was the most graceful way of saying,  “Fuck you!”  I could think of.

You obviously have a strong personal style, this is demonstrated both on-stage and via your everyday wear. Do you feel like your fashion choices have helped shape Lilith Czar into who she is today?

Lilith: I take fashion into account with almost everything I do. There should be cohesion between how you portray yourself as an artist and what you stand for with your lyrics and message. having a strong phsyical presence is an ice breaker and plays a big role in telling the audience what you're about.

Can you tell us about your favourite fashion tends... or non-trends at the minute?

Lilith: i try not to fall prey to trends, but I'd be a liar if I didn't admit that I do sometimes - But, I do think fashion can be quite fickle and cyclical. It's the timeless looks and pieces that really get my attention, those that could always be worn and never go out of style. Iconic. Vintage. Dark. Romantic. Classic. Strong. Feminine. Style in this day and age is so personal and almost anything can be pulled off when worn unapologetically and with conviction.

We know you love to incorporate your fashion into your live shows. What sort of items do you look for when searching for your perfect on-stage outfit?

Lilith: "Does it make me feel powerful and invincible?". We all have a picture of how we want others to perceive us, when a look is in line with an image you want to project, it all clicks. It's about showmanship for me, and that's important as a performer. i really gravitate towards anything that's easy to move in while still maintaining a strong silhouette.

You've designed your own pieces in the past, do you see any more design collaborations or similar in the future for you?

Lilith: Fashion has always beena. consistent companion in my life, so having the opportunity to create clothes or jewellery is definitely someting I want to keep persuing. When I was a kid, I remember my mom used to have these vintage sewing patterns ranging from the '30s to the '80s and I was obsessed with them. I've been playing dress us from the moment I was able to use my own hands. Whether that was rummaging through my moms closet, cutting up clothes or playing arts and crafts.

In your song, King, you quote "If it's a man's world, I want to be king". do you feel empowered and strong as a woman in a largely male dominated genre of music? Do you have to fight misogyny within the music industry to have your own power?

Lilith: That line was written out of pure frustration. I felt like I was being treated differently because of the body I was born in. I don't believe anyone should be treated unfairly or differently because of their sex, orientation, race, religious beliefs etc. The line is a symbolic outcry for equality. It spawned from my personal battle, but I believe it's a sentiment many people can relate to.

You can't force certain people to change but you can control how you react to them. This is something I didn't recognize before, and that heavily affected my internal dialogue and mental state, it was like slowly being poisoned over time. Internalising misguided rhetoric blindly let me to a dark room I never wish to visit again. Once I was able to shine a light on what the disturbance was, I gained power over it.

Your record discusses empowerment and self-respect, and the evolution of artists through themselves and their music. Do you have any insight on what your next set of music will be about?

Lilith: I'm very happy to hear that's how my record is being perceived because that's exactly what I was aiming gor. As it stands with Album Two, that narrative is still rich within the new songs, but there's also more vulnerability and storytelling. The introduction to Lilith wasn't realised untul halfway through writing CFFAD. Releasing music, shooting videos, interviews, extensive touring as this new artist has given me a clear vision as to who Lilith really is. So writing this sophomore record is really exciting now I have the opportunity to build the world knowing Lilith inside and out.

You have just finished your sold out UK tour with BVB earlier this year - do you have any upcoming dates where anyone who missed out on this run could catch you?

Lilith: The UK run with BVB was the perfect way to bookend this album. I've been waiting years and years to make it over, but I was never able to see it come to fruition with my past musical endeavours. To see it finally happen as Lilith was almost poetic, and the tour was something I'll never forget. As it stands, this year we're really focusing on the next record, but we hope to be back out soon.

What's your go-to piece in your wardrobe that makes you feel invincible?

Lilith: My go-to piece that makes me feel invincible would probably have to be my guitar! The moment I throw it over my body, there's an undeniable rush of undefeated glory that comes over me. The amount of times I was told "women don't succeed in rock" or "girls can't play guitar" is proven wrong every time I plug in and strum my first chord. She's louder than the opposers and symbolises the "you don't tell me, I tell you" mindset I've adopted over the years of feeling controlled. It's true libration, and what could be more fashionable than that?

Check out Lilith Czar on Spotify